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Diagnosis of Mesothelioma The latest advances in medical technology allow doctors to diagnose this disease earlier than ever before. Yet, experienced cancer doctors can struggle to diagnose it accurately. In fact, the process can take months. The process of diagnosing peritoneal mesothelioma is like other types of mesothelioma. It starts with a thorough examination of your medical history, occupational history and overall physical condition. A series of tests, including imaging scans and biopsies, usually follows. Be sure to mention any history of asbestos exposure, even if your doctors forget to ask. It’s important to share every detail you can remember. This includes dates when the incidents occurred and the length and duration of the exposures. This information will alert your doctors about the possibility of an asbestos-related disease and help them determine the appropriate next steps. Vague abdominal discomfort is very nonspecific, making the history of asbestos exposure important in guiding diagnostic tests. Misdiagnosis Because this cancer is so rare, doctors lacking experience with the disease often misdiagnose mesothelioma patients with more common illnesses that share similar symptoms. This is a serious misstep that delays proper treatment. Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms, such as abdominal swelling, weight loss and hernias, also arise in other abdominal cancers and many less serious conditions. This overlap of symptoms increases the likelihood of a misdiagnosis. If you have a history of asbestos exposure, the best way to ensure an accurate diagnosis is to schedule an appointment with a specialist. Doctors who specialize in mesothelioma have the knowledge and tools needed to make a prompt diagnosis. They can explain all the mesothelioma treatment options available to you. Imaging Scans When a patient is experiencing symptoms, doctors likely will ask for a chest X-ray, CT scan or another type of imaging scan. These tests will detect potential tumors and show any cancer spread. They also help doctors choose the best biopsy locations. It’s important to note that a CT scan can diagnose ascites (fluid in the abdomen). In the absence of liver disease, it is extremely important to pursue the cause of ascites. Biopsies Biopsies are minor procedures that extract fluid and tissue samples for inspection under a microscope. This is an essential step in the diagnostic process because only a biopsy confirms a peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis. Sometimes doctors need to perform a laparoscopic surgical biopsy, which is more invasive. In both cases, pathologists look to see if lab results show cancerous cells in your peritoneal fluid or tissue. Testing biopsy samples with chemicals called antibodies is important for confirming a mesothelioma diagnosis. Antibodies used to confirm peritoneal mesothelioma include calretinin and podoplanin.